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From beloved pet horses and high-performing equine athletes to wild horses, all horses can benefit from SilverVet products. Our product line is designed to meet the needs of every horse. From wound care to immune support, all animals can benefit from our range of SilverVet products.


Complete Wound Management System

Horses have been noted to endure many injuries with their active lifestyles and free spirits. They often are prone to injuries including scrapes, cuts, penetrating injuries, and even burns. They are also susceptible to many skin rashes and skin affections with bacteria, fungi and mold. Our Power Silver Wash and Power Silver Gel offer amazing wound healing for almost all types of wounds whether infected or not. These products can be used topically with the Power Silver Wash alone or in combination with Power Silver Gel for optimal healing. In severe systemic infections with skin affections like abscesses and septicemia, Animal Aid can be added orally to assist healing from the inside while the Wash and Gel heal from the outside.

Power Silver Wash & Power Silver Gel

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A terrible case of pigeon fever caused by a gram positive bacteria named Corynebacterium psuedotuberculosis with external abscess and cellulitis. This horse was treated with SilverVet Power Silver Gel and Power Silver Wash with remarkable results. Pigeon fever is contagious and now seen in more areas of the US than ever before. It is soil-borne and enters through skin wounds and injuries along with biting insects. Treat all wounds and injuries early with our Power Silver Gel and Power Silver Wash. Use Animal Aid to heal from within the body out.


Complete Wound Management System

For systemic issues, we recommend our amazing Animal Aid Extra Strength product. Typically administered orally via syringe in the back of the mouth or via placement in the animals water source, our Animal Aid with Rapid Response nano-silver technology with Triple Defense Technology helps with multiple issues.

Multiple ways to use:

  • Add to drinking water supply
  • Administered orally via syringe in back of mouth
  • Misted in barn/stable setting
  • Spray – directly on infected eyes/nose
  • Wipe/clean contaminated surfaces
  • Nebulized via Flexineb in conjunction to our ThymoForce product as recommended by your SilverVet representative

Effective in infectious diseases with broad spectrum activity:

  • Scours in foals and calves
  • Pink eye (acute conjunctivitis) in all animals
  • Strangles – caused by Streptococcus equi; can be used in combination with ThymoForce and/or as cleaner/disinfectant of contaminated water troughs, buckets, feeders etc.
    Pigeon Fever in horses
  • Bacterial infections – including Streptococcus, MRSA, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, E. coli, etc.
  • Fungal infections – involving lungs, uterus, skin, etc.


Our ThymoForce is a PREMIUM immune support product.
A unique product combining expertly selected natural thymus gland proteins combined with our Rapid Response™ nano-silver solution with Triple Defense Technology and zinc for superior immune support.
Typically used with our recommended Flexineb E3 portable nebulizer, it helps high performing horses in many ways. It is nebulized with a primarily respiratory focus or given orally via an included syringe in the back of the mouth for more of a systemic effect.

Most horses undergo high levels of stress during transportation, competitions, and even while performing at their peak, like in races or even during cooldowns. This stress often weakens their immune system, making them more vulnerable to various illnesses and symptoms such as fevers, respiratory infections, coughs, mucus, and asthma. All of which can significantly impact their performance and wellbeing. Even if just one horse gets a fever, the whole barn may need to be quarantined. To address this, we suggest a proactive approach by using ThymoForce a week prior to traveling and participating in events. This product contains our unique thymic proteins, zinc, and Rapid Response nano-silver to help boost and balance the immune system. By reducing stress-induced immune suppression, ThymoForce can help prevent illnesses. Additionally, the Flexineb portable nebulizer allows you to nebulize your entire barn with proper cleaning between uses. ​

Bleeder is a common term used for any horse experiencing Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage or EIPH. This refers to bleeding in the lungs that occurs in performance horses during intense high speed physical exertion. It typically presents as bleeding from the nares with labored breathing and longer cool down/recovery periods. This condition can lead to the accumulation of blood in the lung's support tissues and airways. Repeated episodes of blood in the airways and pulmonary interstitial tissue from EIPH can lead to inflammation. Over time, this inflammation can worsen, potentially making future EIPH episodes more severe and leading to serious, sometimes career-ending decreased performance and severe health issues.

Many racing authorities place restrictions on horses with EIPH and potentially even ban racing for recurrent and/or heavy bleeders. It is typically treated with furosemide, which is a diuretic medication. This induces fluid loss through increased urination. However, with the use of furosemide, you can also see dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. So stop the furosemide and start ThymoForce!

Our ThymoForce product, when used with the Flexineb E3 nebulizer, has delivered remarkable results for managing EIPH. ThymoForce works by stabilizing cellular immunity, clearing unwanted lung infections (especially fungal) and optimizing lung health for peak performance. With a three-month treatment protocol, nebulized ThymoForce has effectively treated EIPH, helping even previously banned racers make a successful comeback to the winners circle!

  • Pregnancy/Foaling – helps to prevent and treat infections in the mother during pregnancy. Also contributes to building cellular immunity in the foal and enriching the mothers colostrum helping to prevent typical illnesses in the newborn such as scours, and pneumonias when used in the last 30 days of pregnancy.
  • General wellbeing – helps underweight horses with gaining healthy weight and generalized well being including reduced infections, bone and joint support.
  • Other conditions treated in horses:
  • Pharyngitis or pharyngeal hyperplasia
  • Guttural pouch infection
  • Ethmoid hematoma
  • Entrapped epiglottis and sub epiglottic ulcers

We are authorized Flexineb E3 dealers.  This portable, battery operated equine nebulizer works perfectly with our ThymoForce product.  It can also be used to administer all pharmaceutical grade medications prescribed by your vet as well if needed. An essential addition to any barn especially with multiple horses. Very light, portable and with an extended battery life, lets you nebulize multiple horses on the go providing superior health outcomes for your beloved horses. 


We are on the non-prohibited list with HISA (Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority) for thoroughbred racing in the United States. Allows for safe usage prior to and on race day.
