His name is Cornflake, he was found as a stray in Lubbock, TX in 2022. He was rescued by Kay’s Alley Cats, a trap-neuter-release organization, who originally thought he’d been burned. Through a lot of testing and patience from his incredible foster family, Cornflake was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex, with sensitivity to environmental allergens and fleas and dust. His environmental allergies included just about everything in West Texas so he was not able to be returned after his neuter and rehabilitation.
In April of 2024, my partner Rob and I were faced with putting our beloved special needs 17 year old cat down. We knew our younger cat, Oliver, would struggle with the loss and would need a friend so we decided to adopt another special needs cat. Cornflake was the first cat that popped up and from the description we knew Cornflake and Oliver would be the perfect fit. They bonded immediately and are the best of friends.
In October we began a new vial of immunotherapy and immediately noticed Corny was not responding well to it. A number of sores opened up on his back and shoulders and were covered with a thick plaque when he wasn’t bothering with them. We increased his steroid dosage to combat this flare up but still struggled. In December at his annual check up with our family vet, they made the decision to remove about half of his teeth because his immune system was attacking his teeth and gums. He was still battling itch and general discomfort. We tried lowering his injection dosage and introducing daily Zyrtec, but he was still losing fur and progressively responding worse with each injection. I was exasperated by the lack of response from the dermatologist we were working with and mentioned it to my supervisor who had just returned from a major event in Las Vegas. She had run across a representative of SilverVets and mentioned it. Nearly out of options, I reached out to see if there was a product that might work for us. We received the Power Silver Gel on January 13 and I applied it that night. Within half an hour he was noticeably more comfortable. Today makes 10 days of once-daily application and his plaques have progressively thinned out, his sores are healing and his fur is almost completely grown back. It might be the first time in his life that he has had such a full coat of fur. In addition to the physical progress, his confidence and happiness has noticeably improved we think due to the fact that he’s just more comfortable in his skin.